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The Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross Show: Binge Eating Disorder, Stress Eating, Emotional Eating, Food Addiction

Nov 9, 2020

The current pandemic has resulted in an increase in fears about financial security.  People have been experiencing feelings of stress, failure, and anxiety around money matters.  Dr. Galen Buckwalter coined the term “financial PTSD” which may affect over 20% of the US population to describe this overwhelming fear and lack of financial security.  My guest today will discuss how she works with clients in her financial planning business to identify hidden beliefs that impact their stress around money and why these beliefs may come from past traumas. 

Twenty-three percent of adults and 36 percent of millennials experience financial stress at levels that qualify as a diagnosis of PTSD.”  (Dr. Galen Buckwalter)

Mentioned on the show: 

Three Tips for Building Resilience:

Find out if you are an emotional eater = take the quiz:

Join the webinar: “How to stop feeling crazy around food” 

To learn more about The Anchor Program: 

Supporting articles:

How you can reach Cady:

Where you can find me:


Here are a few techniques you can begin to practice to help you with financial fears:

  1. Negative thought stopping – try to interrupt constant repetitive thoughts about failure and financial worries.
  2. Take my guest’s advice and practice using affirmations to keep your mind from defaulting to fear thoughts.
  3. Recognize that financial PTSD can impact your eating behaviors. Stay present when eating and identify any emotions that may lead to overeating, binging, or obsessing about food. 
  4. Practice relaxing. Use apps like “” to hear relaxing music and meditations that will help lower your stress hormone levels.
  5. Consider working with a therapist on your past traumas.

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