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The Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross Show: Binge Eating Disorder, Stress Eating, Emotional Eating, Food Addiction

Oct 18, 2022

My guest on the podcast today is Ali Shapiro – the creator of Truce with Food® and the Truce Coaching Framework Certification, host of the top-ranked podcast Insatiable, a holistic nutritionist, integrated health coach and rebel with a serious cause.  My interview with Ali covers a wide range of topics including how the body positivity movement has been co-opted, how her struggle with childhood cancer helped her explore her relationship with her body and more!


In this podcast you will learn:

  1. What it means to have a truce with your body.
  2. What is self-trust and how does it help heal from eating disorders like food addiction, binge eating and emotional eating?
  3. What role does experimentation play in healing your food and body image issues?